
Somatic Experiencing On-line

I offer online SE sessions for those who can’t travel, live long distances away, prefer staying in the comfort of their own homes, or feel less threatened by on line meeting.

Despite not being physically present, SE works remarkably well via Skype FaceTime or Zoom.

This is because our nervous systems are still able to resonate with each other

In fact many people find this ability is heightened because the contact is NOT there and so the effects of the resonance become greater. Somewhat like when a blind person develops a greater sense of smell in the absence of sight

Entrainment also happens between nervous systems...

When a few grandfather clocks are placed in a room together, after a few hours the pendulums synchronise - and the most mechanically sound grand father clock leads the way for the rest!

In the same way a heart-centred person who’s nervous system is well regulated will, through entrainment, provide the platform for another’s nervous system to also regulate. And this can be achieved on line.

For on line enquires please contact me :-

by email:

by phone: 07828 453675


I can't recommend Christine Jensen and Somatic Experiencing Therapy highly enough. I started working with Christine on Line after I suffered a brain injury after a fall. I experienced severe PTSD and Christine expertly helped me to regain my balance. After a few sessions I became myself again and, probably, even a better version of myself: more able to self-regulate, more compassionate and more empowered.
I must emphasise that I live geographically far away from Christine's clinic, so all my sessions were via Skype. The fact that we were not in the same room it was not a problem at all. Christine is so intuitive and so skilled that she could perfectly sense everything that was going on with me in the sessions and guide me towards self-regulation. I can't thank her enough.
If you have experienced (or are experiencing) trauma, do not hesitate to contact Christine Jensen, especially in these very challenging times. It is the best that you will ever do for your current and future health. You don't have to do this alone, and Christine is the best professional to guide you back to yourself.

Veronica Layunta-Maurel


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